Refunding feature allows you to issue refunds and credits for payments made.
To perform a refund, please follow the steps below:
1. Go to Sales > Invoices, and then select List All Invoices from the drop-down options.
2. Use the Search form to find the invoice that you want to add payment to.
3. After finding the invoice, press the pencil icon in the row to open the record in edit mode.
4. Then, press the Refund tab.
5. If multiple Payments have been made for the invoice, select the payment you wish to issue a refund against.
6. Enter the amount to be refunded if it is a partial; otherwise, leave it blank to refund the entire payment value.
7. Choose the appropriate Refund Type.
8. Enter a refund Reference Number if it's applicable.
9. If you wish to send a refund confirmation Email to the customer, please tick the Send Email box.
10. Finally, press the Refund button to perform the refund.
That's it!
If you have any issues, please feel free to contact our Support Team.