The General Settings configuration controls many of the most important settings in GSS.
To access General Settings, please go to Setup > General Settings.
Here are the available options:
General - the General tab allows you to configure basic settings within GSS.
Business - the Business tab allows you to add your business details.
Local - the Local tab allows you to configure your Address and System settings.
Product/Service - the product/service tab allows you to configure the appearance of your products & services on your website.
Booking - the Booking tab allows you to configure your booking system.
Ordering - the Ordering tab allows you to configure your order settings.
Invoice - the Invoice tab allows you to configure how GSS generates and sends invoices.
Tax - the Tax tab allows you to enable/disable the Tax/VAT support and then configure your tax/VAT settings.
Logo - the Logo tab allows you to upload your business logo and FavIcon.
Social - the Social tab allows you to add links to your social media accounts on your website.
Server - the Server tab allows you to enable/disable maintenance mode and configure SSL certificate.
Other - the Other tab allows you to configure additional GSS settings.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Support Team.