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Setup Overview

The setup configuration controls all the software settings in GSS.

To access setup, please select Setup from the top navigation bar and then choose your option from the drop-down list

Here are the available options:

General Settings - the General Settings configuration controls many of the most important settings in GSS.

Booking Calendar - this option allows you to configure your booking calendar settings; such as working days, opening hours, booking interval, holidays, and overbooking.

Catalogue - this is where you can add and manage your products and services.

Employees - from here you can add and manage your employees accounts.

Users -  from here you can add and manage your user accounts.

Customer Groups - this is where you can configure your customer groups..

Vendor Types - from here you can set up your vendor types.

Design - this is where you configure your website layouts, create and manage your banners, and set up the formatting of your site.

Extensions - from here you can set up your extensions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Support Team.

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