Knowledge Base

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How to use the knowledge base

Welcome to the GSS Knowledge Base! This article provides information about how to get the most out of the Knowledge Base.

What is the Knowledge Base?

The Knowledge Base is a collection of articles, guides, and tutorials. You can learn how to configure your account and software settings, use management features, find solutions to many common problems you may encounter, and much more.

In short, if you want to configure your settings, fix a problem, or are just curious and want to learn more about GSS software, the Knowledge Base is a good place to start.

Navigating the Knowledge Base

First, please select Support from the top navigation bar, and then choose Knowledge Base from the drop-down list.

Once accessed, you might want to do a quick search and go straight to the information you're looking for. On the other hand, sometimes you might want to browse and see all the articles for a particular topic. Either way, we've got you covered.

1. Searching

If you're in a hurry and just want to find the most relevant articles to your question or issue, the search box is always there. On the Knowledge Base front page, it's probably one of the first things you'll notice. On other pages, the search bar is always there near the top of the page, waiting for your inquiries.

For example, to view a list of all articles relating to customers, just type 'customers' in the search box and then click/tap Search button.

2. Browsing

Knowledge Base articles are organised into hierarchical categories, such as Getting Started, My Garage, Customers, and more. Instead of searching, you can browse through these categories to view related articles about a particular subject. On the Knowledge Base front page, the sidebar on the left side of the page provides the main entry point to the different categories.

You can always determine where you are in the Knowledge Base article hierarchy by looking at the navigation breadcrumb links provided near the top of the page. For example, the article you are reading right now fits into the hierarchy
Home > Knowledge Base > Getting Started (category name) > How to Use the Knowledge Base (article name).

Feel free to explore the different categories and see what's there!

Anatomy of an article

Articles in the Knowledge Base can contain some or all of the following sections:

  • Table of Contents: Most articles, unless they are very short, contain a Table of Contents. The Table of Contents lists the main sections of an article.
  • Most Popular Articles: Some articles and lists contain a 'Most Popular Articles' section that based on the number of page views per session.
  • Related Articles: Many articles contain a 'Related Articles' section. These are other articles within the GSS Knowledge Base that are related to the current article's topic.

In addition to the sections described above, the Knowledge Base uses several visual elements to highlight information and help guide you through an article:

  • Text that describes specific user interface elements is in bold. For example: on the New Customer page, press Add Customer button.
  • There are also several highlighted areas that provide additional information:
This is a tip. Tips provide helpful information that can make a task quicker or easier to complete.
This is a note. Notes provide additional information about a topic.
This is important information that you should be aware of.
This is a warning. Warnings provide information about actions that could potentially lead to data loss, or other unpleasant scenarios.

If you cannot find what you're looking for

The Knowledge Base cannot cover every possible configuration or scenario. If you cannot find the answer to what you're looking for, you can always open a ticket with our Support Team.

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